Life of The Greatest: Muhammad Ali to be turned into a stage musical based on When We Were Kings

Life of The Greatest: Muhammad Ali to be turned into a stage musical based on When We Were Kings

Muhammad Ali ‘s life is to be turned into a knockout stage musical.

The Greatest is to be honoured by producer David Sonenberg with the show based on the legendary documentary When We Were Kings, which told the story of Ali against George Foreman in the Rumble in the Jungle in 1974.

He told The Sun the musical would be based on his Oscar-winning documentary When We Were Kings.

He said: “We can’t wait to be doing it. We have no clue who will play Muhammad but it’s going to be great.”

Heavweight champ Ali died in June 2016 aged 74 after a 32-year battle with Parkinson’s disease.

When We Were Kings tells of his 1974 Rumble in the Jungle bout with George Foreman.

A theatre source said: “The popularity of the film will no doubt get audiences down to the theatre.”

The popularity of the film will no doubt get audiences down to the theatre.”

Ali became an icon for not only his achievements in the ring, but his political beliefs, particularly his stand against fighting for the United States in Vietnam war.

The decision would cost him his boxing license for almost four years, but seal his legacy as a man of the people, with the musical set to spread his story yet further.

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