What will you miss about Arsene Wenger when he leaves Arsenal?

What will you miss about Arsene Wenger when he leaves Arsenal?Arsenal Manager, Arsene Wenger [Image:Getty]

Arsene Wenger was celebrated on Sunday in his final home match as Arsenal Manager after confirming he will step down as Arsenal manager at the end of the season.

Wenger’s position at Arsenal has been under scrutiny for a number of years as the north Londoners have failed to challenge for the Premier League titles.

At Brila, But we’re huge fans of Wenger, and while it may be time to change, we’ll always have a lot of love for the 68-year-old. Below are the few things the Brila Family will miss about the French Tactician.

His Humour

While Wenger is famed for playing a straight bat to difficult questions – “I did not see it,” has become a catchphrase he’s also provided us with plenty of funny moments over the years.

During his first press conference as Arsenal boss, he warmed himself to supporters by saying: “I tried to watch the Tottenham match on television in my hotel yesterday, but I fell asleep.”

You cannot downplay the Frenchman’s sense of humour, mostly during training sessions and his Press Conferences.

His Legacy

Arsene Wenger’s Legacy may have soured in recent years despite winning three FA Cup triumphs in the last four years, That at least provided fans with some good days out but long term Wenger will hopefully be remembered as a visionary figure who helped change English football.

His attitude to training, diet, recruitment and the development of youth players had a huge effect on the rest of the country.

His Philosophy

Whenever Arsene Wenger does get going in an interview, he can be a thoroughly articulate and insightful man.

How many other football managers would you hear muse like this?

Wenger is well known as a massive believer in Young lads, and He seems like the only Manager making Football look sane with his Streamlined spending style, The Frenchman will never overprize a player.

His Touchline spats

Arsene Wenger is such a big man, and while he generally comes across as an intelligent gentleman, there is definitely an edge to him.

Whether it be former United Manager Sir Alex, Alan Pardew, Tony Pulis or Big Sam Allardyce, and the biggest Nemesis, Jose Mourinho,  Wenger has had spats with them all.


What will you miss about Wenger when he finally moves on?

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