U.S Consulate Public Affairs chief pays visit to BRILA FM

U.S Consulate Public Affairs chief pays visit to BRILA FM

The new Public Affairs Officer at the United States Consulate General Lagos, Russell Brooks, paid a courtesy visit to the Head Office of Nigeria’s only Sports Radio Station, BRILA FM in Lagos on Thursday, 1st November 2018.

During the visit, Russell interacted with the Chairman/CEO Dr. Larry Izamoje and the BRILA Media team, discussing Brila’s media capacity development programmes with a view to exploring possible areas of collaboration with the Centre.



[L-R] Brila FM’s GM Continuity Hakeem Kelani, Chairman/CEO Brila Media Dr. Larry Izamoje, US Consulate Public Affairs Chief, Russell Brooks, Brila FM’s GM Programmes, Femi Raji [Credit – Brila Media]

The United States Mission in Nigeria recently renewed its support for Nigeria’s burgeoning community of creative writers and artists with its participation at the 2018 Ake Arts and Book Festival.


Russell has earlier served as the spokesperson for the U.S Mission Nigeria between August 2016 and July 2018, had worked in Honduras, Peru, Iraq, Côte d’Ivoire and Washington, DC before his current tour in Nigeria.

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