Ndidi gets impressive rating in first game as a Center back

Ndidi gets impressive rating in first game as a Center back

Wilfred Ndidi played center back for Leicester City in their 2020-2021 Premier League season opener against West Bromwich on Sunday.


The defensive midfielder was drafted into the defense to partner Caglar Soyuncu by Brenda Rogers, following the suspension of Jonny Evans.


Ndidi who played the entire duration of the match gave an account of himself in the new role, as he completed 88% of his passed, made 3 clearances, 3 interceptions.


He also made 2 vital tackles, 1 blocked shot, 5 successful long balls, 100% ground duels won and he was given a 7/10 rating by Skysports and BBC.


Meanwhile, Leicester City won the game 3 – 0 and the only debutant Timothy Castaigne and Jamie Vardy got a better rating than the Nigerian international.



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