NPFL Clubs Threaten Boycott of Matches over Disagreement with League body

NPFL Clubs Threaten Boycott of Matches over Disagreement with League body

The Nigerian Premier Football League Clubs Owners Association has threatened to boycott the upcoming weekend’s league fixtures due to unresolved issues with the league’s organizers.

According to reports, the club owners have formally notified the NPFL Board of their decision to abstain from participating in this weekend’s matches, citing dissatisfaction with the handling of crucial matters.



Central to their grievances is the lack of transparency surrounding the contractual agreements between the league’s broadcasting partners.

The clubs have insisted on being provided with detailed information regarding these contracts.

Additionally, the clubs are demanding that the NPFL Board fulfill its financial obligations to them.

This demand underscores the pressing need for financial transparency and accountability.

With tensions escalating between the club owners and the league organizers, the fate of this weekend’s fixtures hang in the balance.

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