We’ll Enjoy Our Underdog Status at the World Cup – Mikel Obi

We’ll Enjoy Our Underdog Status at the World Cup – Mikel ObiPhoto Credit: Getty Images

Nigeria’s underdog status ahead of the FIFA 2018 World Cup will be the team’s motivation to “work and enjoy” the tournament according to captain Mikel Obi.

Nigeria were drawn in group D of the World Cup where the Super Eagles will face Croatia, Iceland and Argentina.


The team is yet to progress beyond the second round in its six appearances and very many give Gernot Rohr’s men little chance of scaling through this hurdle.


Speaking during the team’s presser in Uyo Today, Mikel insists the team can upset the apple cart and surprise the world.


“It’s good that we are the lowly rated team. We have to work & enjoy it as underdogs. We are capable of making Nigeria & Africa proud.”

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