Kogi United Chief Sule fears possible null and void NNL decision

Kogi United Chief Sule fears possible null and void NNL decision

General manager of Nigeria National League side Kogi united Abdul Duke has stated that he wouldn’t like the NNL season going null and void but that it may just be a direction the second tier league will be headed for with no headway on the resumption of the league due to Covid-19.
Sule speaking in a chat with  www.brila.net said with just five games into the NNL 2019/2020 season and the last game played December 2019, voiding the season may be an alternative but that it wouldn’t be good enough a route stressing up messed up things are now with decisions yet to be taken on Nigerian league football.
“Probably in the NNL there will be no promotion but everything is just messed up at this moment so we can’t really say.  I will feel bad if they say there is not going to be promotion but it’s only five matches. We’ve played only five matches and some have played four matches in the other group so that is where the confusion comes now.”

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