Age-limit may scupper Claudio Ranieri’s return to France

Age-limit may scupper Claudio Ranieri’s return to France

Claudio Ranieri’s managerial takeover at Ligue 1 side Nantes is being held up due to a Ligue de Football Professionnel (LFP) regulation stipulating head coaches in the division must be under the age of 65.

Special dispensation can be given but Raymond Domenech, head of the French coach association, is a notable objector, which has led to a slight dig from the Italian.

Ranieri, the 65-year-old Italian – who formerly managed in Ligue 1 with Monaco before sensationally guiding Leicester to the Premier League title in 2015-16 – confirmed there is an agreement in place with Nantes before hitting out at Domenech.

‘We are nearly there, even if it’s not yet official. I haven’t signed yet, but there is an agreement with the president,’ Ranieri told Mediaset Premium.

‘I do my work with passion, professionalism and focus, so what others say doesn’t interest me

‘Plus if it’s Domenech… he has always been a bit bizarre.’

Once his appointment is finally confirmed, Ranieri says he is excited about returning to what he sees as a strong Ligue 1 and the potential in the Nantes squad.

Meanwhile, the club are reportedly interested in the loan signing of Nigerian defender, Chidozie Awaziem per Daniel Martins [owngoalnigeria].

Awaziem is currently contracted to FC Porto, who are only willing to agree a loan deal, though the player has a €20m buyout clause.

Culled from Mail

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