Bank Alert! Super Eagles get World Cup Bonuses

Bank Alert! Super Eagles get World Cup BonusesPhoto Credit: Getty Images

The Super Eagles have been paid their world cup match bonuses, over a week before their opening group match at the FIFA 2018 World Cup.

As per Colin Udoh [Kwese ESPN], Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) President, Amaju Pinnick confirmed the payments.


A breakdown of the of the payment will see each player earn $10,000 per player per game from qualifying through to the World Cup.


Technical Adviser Gernot Rohr pockets $15,000 per game, while his assistants get $10,000 per game.


Last Year the FA signed an agreement with the players on a pay structure for bonuses, allowances and a share of the income from participation at the FIFA 2018 World Cup.


Under the agreement, the players were to be paid their qualification bonuses and share of the FIFA income in advance.


Under the agreement, the team are due 30 per cent of the NFF’s appearance fee from FIFA, which amounts to $2.8 million.


FIFA made an advance payment of $2 million, and the NFF say they raised the other $800,000 from sponsorship.


“We said we were going to pay them before they go to the World Cup and that is what we have done.


“This is very important to us to fulfill our part of the agreement we signed with the players, and also provide them with all needed comforts to ensure that there is no distraction as they go to represent our country at the World Cup,” Pinnick was quoted on Kwese ESPN.


Nigeria begin their World Cup campaign against Croatia on June 16 in Kaliningrad.

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