Believe! MFM FC burn Candle for NPFL Playoff Spot, League title

Believe! MFM FC burn Candle for NPFL Playoff Spot, League title

A disappointing 1-1 result against bottom side Remo Stars and results elsewhere in the NPFL Matchday 18 matches saw MFM FC knocked out of the top three spots in Group A for the first time in nearly 16 weeks, but they won’t give up the chase for a playoff spot says Midfielder Chijioke Akuneto.

Although they haven’t lost at home this season, the Olukoya Boys have dropped points against Enyimba, Lobi Stars and recently to Remo Stars, a situation that might hurt the playoff chances, yet, Akuneto is hopeful and insists the target for the season is the league title.
“We’re preparing very well so we can play in the Super 6; at the end we want the title, God willing,” the midfielder told

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