Boboye Excited to see his Players Adapting at Akwa United

Boboye Excited to see his Players Adapting at Akwa United

Akwa United Coach Kennedy Boboye says his players are gradually adapting to his playing philosophy and  playing better as a unit.

Boboye watched his wards extended their winning streak to three matches after pummeling Katsina United 3 – 0 at the Nest of Champions on Sunday.


He told the club’s website, that he has tried to build a very solid group rather than relying on individual brilliancy from some players.


He said the team’s performance against Katsina United was a testament of how the team’s chemistry.


“I’m impressed with the performance of my players in our last match against Katsina United. We have been playing like that in training but we have been struggling to play like that in matches.


“We went into that match with one mindset: not just to win the game but to win it convincingly and my players were fantastic throughout the game.


“We were able to play our pattern; we controlled the game and everything went according to plan. We have a style of play and all our players are familiar with the style.


“In Akwa United, we don’t have regular players, but we have a group of players who are always determined and ready to play anytime they are given the chance. Our target is to maintain this winning attitude in all our matches,” He said.

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