Crowd trouble: LMC’s hammer falls on Remo Stars and Shooting Stars

Crowd trouble: LMC’s hammer falls on Remo Stars and Shooting Stars

The League Management Company has ordered Remo Stars and Shooting Stars SC to play their next home game, behind closed door.

The League Governing Bodey decided to punish both Club for failing to control their fans in last Sunday’s derby at Ikenne Stadium.

In a letter sent to the Shooting Stars and Remo Stars, dated February 8, 2022, the LMC expressed concern on reports of a feud between Supporters of the clubs which resulted in injuries and damage to properties at the end of the MatchDay 11 fixture at Ikenne.

Signed by Salihu Abubakar, the Chief Operating Officer, the letter read, “the LMC is disturbed by the acrimony exhibited by fans during and after the game and believe that we must intervene to ensure peaceful conduct of your Supporters in future fixtures between your clubs.

“Consequently, you are hereby invited to a meeting with our top Management to be held on Monday, 14th February 2022 by 2pm at the Office of the League in Abuja. The Chairman of your respective Supporters Clubs are also invited to participate in the meeting”.

Shooting Stars was charged with breach of Rule B13.22 in that Supporters of the Club was found to have thrown plastic bottles onto the pitch leading to stoppages on 31st and 87th minutes of the match.

The LMC also cited the official match report that indicated that the club supporters clashed with those of the home team immediately after the match leading to injuries and destruction of property.

Remo Stars and Wikki Tourists were separately charged for breach of Rule B13.52 in that the clubs failed to ensure adequate and effective security for persons involved in their respective matches in Ikenne and Bauchi.

“You are in breach of Rule 13.52, failure to ensure adequate and effective security for persons involved in the match wherein some of your Supporters clashed with the opposing Supporters after the match resulting in injuries and destruction of property”, the LMC wrote to Remo Stars.

They reserve the right to submit to the decisions or elect to appear before a panel but must communicate such decision in writing to the LMC within 24 hour.

Meanwhile, the LMC also summoned Remo Stars and Shooting Stars Sports Club (3SC) to Abuja for a peace meeting on Monday, 14th February.

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