Okereke ready to replace Dennis Emmanuel against Man United

Okereke ready to replace Dennis Emmanuel against Man United

Super Eagles striker David Okereke is happy to be available for selection as Club Brugge prepare to take on Manchester United in Europa like claash on Thursday.

The forward who recently return from injury that has kept him out of action for the three weeks is likely to lead the attack for Philipe Clement’s side, after his comparatriot Emmanuel Dennis was ruled out the of game at Old Trafford.


Club Brugge held the 2017 winnners to a 1-1 draw last week , and they are going into the second leg as outsiders due to the absence of their main striker Dennis, but Okereke believed that he can do a great job for the Club.


“I’m glad to be part of squad to Manchester and we shall give our best to enserure a passage into the next round.


“The 1-1 draw won’t deter us from going all out to attack in England and I hope to do well personally”, he told journalists.


Okereke has scored nine league goals from 21 matches so far this term.

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