Osimhen unhappy with Napoli President Aurelio De Laurentiis

Osimhen unhappy with Napoli President Aurelio De Laurentiis

Victor Osimhen appears to be dissatisfied with club president Aurelio De Laurentiis’ recent comments regarding contract renewal discussions.

De Laurentiis hinted to the media that Osimhen had a change of heart after initially agreeing to a new contract, stating, “If after a handshake things change, that is disappointing.”

With less than two years left on his Napoli contract, the prospect of a new deal seems increasingly unlikely, especially following an incident on the club’s official TikTok page where Osimhen was insulted, leading to tensions in Campania.

According to reports from Il Mattino via TMW, Osimhen and his agent, Roberto Calenda, are not pleased with De Laurentiis’ recent statements, and no new date has been set for further contract negotiations.

Osimhen disputes the president’s claims, asserting that there was never an initial agreement in place.

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