Why Arsenal Must Have Faith in Wenger and Why They Must Strengthen This Summer- Abdulmueez Alao

Why Arsenal Must Have Faith in Wenger and Why They Must Strengthen This Summer- Abdulmueez Alao

For the first time in 21 years, Arsene Wenger has guided Arsenal to a finish outside the industrious top four places after finishing fifth this past season, one point behind fourth-placed Liverpool in what can be considered as one of the most entertaining finishes to a Premier League season.

For the size and magnitude of Arsenal Football Club, this past season must be considered as a huge failure despite winning the FA Cup, which was their third in the past four years.
As it stands, the Gunners have qualified for the Europa League which is the second tier of Europe’s elite competition, the Champions League.
And because of this, a high percentage of fans have started calling for the dismissal of the Frenchman who marked his 20th anniversary at the club last year after taking care of the club in October 1996.
As much as a lot of fans want him to leave the club, some are suggesting that he should still be the one to be at the helm of the club despite poor performances this past season, saying that he still has a lot to offer to the club with his wealth of experience.
Personally, I believe that the Frenchman should continue at the club. There is a secretive saying that says, experience and patience are the two virtues a man needs to succeed.
With this saying, Arsenal may need to more patient and use the next season to judge whether Arsene is still the right man for the job.
Arsene Wenger who has been continuously asked about his future at the club stated that talks will commence at the end of the season which we are currently in. He also stated that whether or not he remains at the Emirates, he will still be a football manager.
With this few comments, true Arsenal fans will know instantly that he will remain at the club next season and therefore have to deal with it whether they like it or not.
Rumors are saying that the Frenchman is about to sign a two-year deal which will keep him at the club till 2019.
Now the question is how he can get the Gunners back to winning ways and try to even win the league. Although winning the league might be too much to ask because of their participation in the Europa League, nothing is impossible in the world of football as Leicester City have proved to us.
Wenger would first have to keep the clubs best players such as Mesut Ozil and Alexis Sanchez who are currently in the final year of their contracts.
Also, he must be thinking of spending close to 150 million pounds so as to bring in players who are sure of bringing glory to the club. It would also help to improve the squad depth of the club which is very important as they are likely to play twice in between three to four days almost every week depending on how far they go in the competition.
If Arsene Wenger is given the opportunity to continue to take charge of the club, and he follows the instructions above, Arsenal and their fans are in for a treat next season and seasons to come.

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