2019 FIBA World Cup: D’Tigers Manager Adamu begs President Buhari for financial support

2019 FIBA World Cup: D’Tigers Manager Adamu begs President Buhari for financial support

General manager of the Nigeria national men’s basketball team Musa Adamu has called on the nation’s number one citizen President Muhammadu Buhari to come to the aid of the D’Tigers in the area of finance.

Adamu speaking in a chat with www.brila.net said the non release of fund from the sports ministry has affected the team in the areas of training, travel, food and other equipment which has been a big source of concern and distraction at a time the team should be solely focussed on giving Nigeria a good representation in basketball’s biggest showpiece in the world.
“My message goes to the President of the country, our dear President Muhammed Buhari to turn a little eye on D’Tigers because we have been preparing for the world cup for over a year.
We’re waiting for the support from the Government. Today the Federation has been doing everything by itself, sometimes they have even had to borrow money from somewhere to be able to make camping happen.”
“We really want the President to look towards D’Tigers so we are still waiting to travel, we don’t really know when we will travel, we are still expecting  support from the ministry, so we really hope things will trigger because we have worked so hard to reach here that the Federation with a little support, the players can get moral booster to be sure of when they are travelling and travelling in good condition.
So my call is we hope really that we will get a little help from the President.”

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