Fuad Ekelojuoti responds to Sunshine Stars Dressing room Mutiny

Fuad Ekelojuoti responds to Sunshine Stars Dressing room Mutiny

Fuad Ekelojuoti has denied there is a discord between the players and Coach Gbenga Ogunbote at Sunshine Stars.

Ekelojuoti insists that there is empathy in the dressing room and maintained that players are solidly behind the Coach, despite the poor run of form.


There are reports suggesting unrest in team after the goalless draw against Adamawa United last Sunday.


The reports claim that Coach Ogunbote wasn’t satisfied with the attitude of some of his players and he’s prepared to make changes in coming matches.


When asked to respond to the reports, Ekelojuoti dismissed the reports and said the relationship between the gaffer and the players hasn’t fractured a bit.


He stressed further that the rumor is from critics of the team and maintained that there is nothing like lack of support for the former Enyimba coach from certain sections of the dressing room.


“It was a rumor, nothing like that happened in our camp, yes, we are not happy with current results but the coach is like our father and we all believe in his principles.


“It is normal for people to say negative things about us now because the results hasn’t been good enough, but things will change as soon as we start winning again,” He told brila.net


Meanwhile Sunshine Stars will go into weekend league match having failed to win any of their last six matches.

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