Aaron Ramsey to LEAVE Arsenal at the end of the season

Aaron Ramsey to LEAVE Arsenal at the end of the season

The representatives’ of Arsenal Midfielder Aaron Ramsey, Avid Sports & Entertainment Group, have confirmed Arsenal have pulled out of contract negotiations with the Wales international.


Responding to an Arsenal supporter in two tweets, Avid said: “There is nothing we can do, the club made a decision. Life goes on.


“[The grass] isn’t always greener and he didn’t want to leave, but now there is no other option.”


The two tweets have since been deleted by the account.


The Evening Standard has reported that Arsenal pulled out of talks due to the wage bill, which is the highest it has ever been – around £200million a year.


Ramsey will now be a free agent at the end of the season and can sign a pre-contract agreement with a foreign club in January.


He has been heavily linked with Juventus and Chelsea.


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