Abdallah targets Enyimba fall in emotional return to Aba

Abdallah targets Enyimba fall in emotional return to Aba

Coach of NPFL side Wikki Tourist FC Usman Abdallah has stated that he hopes his side can maintain a good showing like they have done recently against Enyimba ahead of today’s rescheduled NPFL match day 11 fixture as coach Abdallah makes an emotional return to Aba with Wikki.
Abdallah speaking in a chat with www.brila.net said returning to Aba with Wikki is no doubt an emotional and nostalgic one for him but that will be secondary as he simply wants his side to get the job done on the pitch by beating the People’s Elephants.
“It’s nostalgia and a little bit emotional and I hope it goes well with us. We are confident we are coming in there to pick point or even bag the three points its possible.
So it’s always that way, even with Enyimba in my history I’ve never beaten Wikki Tourist. They have a good record against Enyimba and we hope to continue that.”

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