Jamaican Track Star hails “Inspirational” Tobi Amusan

Jamaican Track Star hails “Inspirational” Tobi Amusan

Jamaica’s Danielle Williams saluted Nigeria’s Tobi Amusan following her historic victory at the just concluded World Athletics Championship.

With a time of 12.12 seconds in the semis, Amusan broke American Kendra Harrison’s world record of 12.20.

Williams was third in that semi-final with a season’s best time of 12.41 and advanced on time.

While Tobi Amusan went on to win the final with a record time of 12.06, Williams finished sixth and missed out of the podium.

Williams however was full of praises for the Nigerian, after the race.

She recalled that, “Tobi literally spoke it into existence, I was watching something on Instagram last night Adidas has something for all the best athletes and on the page I saw what Tobi wrote.


“She wrote incoming World record holder and to see it unfold today, I’m proud of her. That’s definitely of speaking things into existence.


Tobi is one of my best friends on the circuit, we speak a lot.

“Nothing short of inspiration, I know what Tobi has gone in the last couple of years. Finishing fourth in Doha and Tokyo is not easy.


“She’s been close to throwing in the towel and to see her come here and do it in style is amazing,” She concluded.

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