Napoli and Osimhen Perfect Match – Nieketen

Napoli and Osimhen Perfect Match – Nieketen

Victor Osimhen can end the speculation around his future by committing to Napoli for another season, according to former Nigerian player Peter Nieketen.

Osimhen, 24, has been the subject of transfer speculations this summer following his impressive campaign last term with Napoli.



However, the Club has confirmed, through President Aurelio de Laurentiis, that a transfer for the Forward is only possible if an “indecent” offer is received, Nieketen believes it’s a clear indication that Napoli wants to keep their prized asset.

Hitherto, Victor Osimhen was a subject of interest from Paris Saint-Germain and Chelsea, however, those interests have cooled since the Serie A club slapped a €140m valuation on the player.

On Monday, Di Laurentiis clearly stated, at the club’s jersey unveiling for the new season, that the Nigeria international will not leave for cheap.

Reacting to the latest on Osimhen’s future, Nieketen told BRL that Napoli wants to recoup from the fee paid €75m) to acquire the player three seasons ago from French club, LOSC Lille.

“Osimhen’s disposition has been calm enough to suggest that he isn’t desperate about leaving, and I trust he’ll come good once again next season,” Nieketen opined.

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