Ndube states conditions LMC must note before resumption of league

Ndube states conditions LMC must note before resumption of league

Coach of NPFL side Abia warriors Willy Ndube has stated that the League Management Company must ensure they factor into their timing for the resumption of the league recovery time for clubs after been out of action and out as a group for premier league clubs.
Ndube speaking in a chat with www.brila.net said the league organisers must note that clubs cannot resume from such break to come back to playing matches as a little bit of time will be required to get teams back to shape.
“Even if the league is going to resume very soon, at least two or three weeks has to be given to clubs to prepare so that’s the only thing that will make clubs to sit up and be in shape.
“They cannot just start playing matches so they have to give the clubs some time to recuperate and put the players in shape for the task ahead.”

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