Onome Ebi reveals plans to quit Super Falcons after World Cup

Onome Ebi reveals plans to quit Super Falcons after World Cup

Super Falcons Captain Onome Ebi has revealed the next FIFA Women’s World Cup might be her last with the team.


Ebi made the disclosure in a video posted on Super Falcons’ official Twitter handle on Sunday.


The 38-year-old defender holds the record for the most FIFA World Cup appearance for Africans (5).


“By the grace of God if I make my past World Cup, I’m saying my last World Cup because I don’t know what God would do, but in my last World Cup we might go first, second, third and I trust my girls.


The Minsk defender is part of the Super Falcons squad for the current tour in Canada.


The two-match tour is part of the team’s preparations for the 12th Women Africa Cup of Nations finals taking place in Morocco.


The Falcons on Saturday lost the first meeting 2-0 in Vancouver Canada and the second game will be played on Tuesday.


“I’d say it’s (playing against Canada) really helping the team, it’s helping the new players to blend with the old players and it will help us go really far if we keep on doing this.”


“I believe they will keep on doing this for us because they promise us we are going to play as many matches and international matches, not just Africa just like we are playing Canada.”


“And I want to thank the NFF and appreciate them and I will still urge them not to stop because we need more of this and with more of this we will go far.”


“If we have more of this kind of friendlies, I believe there’s nothing God cannot do and I believe in God because I’m a Christian, we can win the World Cup, first, second, third give it to us I’m aiming towards that.” She concluded.

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