Orban’s Suspension too Harsh — Vanhaezebrouck

Orban’s Suspension too Harsh — Vanhaezebrouck

KAA Gent’s coach Hein Vanhaezebrouck provided explanations to why the club didn’t appeal Gift Orban’s suspension.

Orban missed Gent’s draw at Royale Antwerp on Wednesday due to red card he received at Eupen over the weekend.



Vanhaezebrouck protested the decision, stating that the referee was harsh to have sent off the player.

“I thought this was the lightest possible sentence, so you shouldn’t appeal,” said the Gent coach, quoted by Het Nieuwsblad.

“The red card was strict: something has happened and then it is indicated by the fourth referee. From quite a distance. I didn’t see it because I was focused on the match.”


Vanhaezebrouck adds: “You can appeal, but there was little point because you cannot get less. After all, the minimum is two weeks, and they have adjusted it accordingly.



“The physical integrity of the opponent was not compromised. It is a reaction and then you can be punished with a red card. I thought it was a severe punishment anyway, but you have an element that allows you to draw red.”

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