We will learn from Hassania Agadir defeat – Abd’allah

We will learn from Hassania Agadir defeat – Abd’allah

Coach of Enyimba FC Usman Abd’allah has stated that the People’s Elephants will learn from the loss to Moroccan side Hassania Agadir after losing 2-0 in her first group match of the 2019/2020 CAF Confederation cup.

Abd’allah speaking in a chat gathered by brila.net said the loss is one in the past and that they will simply shift focus to other games. He added that hr has also seen what needs to be worked on and corrected in time for other matches.
“We lost but all is in the past, I had the full confidence that I am going to come out victorious in this match which turned out to be that we lost but that is football.
“I’ll take a lesson from that and we will learn a lot from the mistakes. I have seen a lot of things that we did right and many that we didn’t do right. So that’s the only way to gain more experience so that we can apply it elsewhere.”

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