Players shows understanding with Covid-19 induced break despite the effects – Madu

Players shows understanding with Covid-19 induced break despite the effects – Madu

Enugu Rangers player Christian Madu has stated that the players in the NPFL will all have various reservations about been out of the game for long and the expected effects on their physical shape but stressed that everyone understands that the strict measure taken is for the greater good of all.

Madu speaking in a chat with said there is no denying what the break would have caused on the league and the players as well but stressed that it is one in which everybody will simply have to live with and bear with.


“Definitely it will affect but in other way round life is more important than football and the reason why they called the league off is because of life, because of what is happening the Coronavirus that is happening around the world. I believe it’s for good because life is more important than football.”

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